Beauford Open Tourer


Beauford Open Tourer 1960 – a unique English convertible. Graceful and aristocratic, it remained for a long time for the wealthy and great dignitaries of the kingdom. Unusual design, comfortable leather interior, authentic food: in a word, all this creates a great atmosphere and keeps unforgettable memories.

The car has been restored and is ready to create a unique entourage at your event. The rare car looks like it was transferred to the streets of Paris from the middle of the last century.

So it is: cars of this brand were produced until the 70s and belonged to the segment of elite vehicles. The appearance of this rarity is unforgettable. The car is decorated with a large number of accessories that are functional. Despite the vintage appearance, the car has excellent driving characteristics and is very comfortable to drive. A trip on this transport will be a real adventure: entire streets will take pictures of you as a keepsake.